Home Health & Fitness Common Health Problems Caused by Air Pollution

Common Health Problems Caused by Air Pollution


Did you know that according to WHO, about 4.2 million early deaths worldwide are associated with air pollution? Cardiovascular disease, stroke, lung cancer, respiratory discomfort are at the top of the record for problems related to air pollution. Sudden and prolonged exposure to atmospheric pollution contributes to the reduction of lung function in children and adults. Pregnant women when exposed to air pollution can experience preterm births and a host of other complications. Such adverse effects call for air pollution solutions to minimise the damage caused by the pollutants. Air purifiers and filters in your homes and offices are the need of the hour, now.

Common Health Problems Caused by Air Pollution

Before you pick the ideal air-purifier you might want to learn about the common health problems caused by air pollution to make the process easy. So, here’s a list of the diseases caused by air pollution:

It doesn’t matter how health-conscious or healthy you are, even short-term exposure to air pollution can cause irritation in your throat, eyes and breathing difficulties.

If you live in an area with high air pollution levels, then the cells in your respiratory system can get damaged; there is added stress on the heart and lungs as they have to work harder in supplying the body with oxygen.

Prolonged exposure to pollutants will have you with permanent air pollution problems, such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, decreased lung function and cancer.

Also, you’ll be more susceptible to health problems associated with air pollution if you’re already affected with heart diseases. Furthermore, research has shown that there are links between air pollution and depression. Air pollution causes a significant amount of damage to mental health and our brains.

In the light of these factors, it’s imperative that air pollution solutions are found. So, when you’re living in an area with poor air quality, make sure to use masks to protect yourself from pollutants.

Make sure your home is well ventilated and has ample sunlight to prevent mould. You might want to invest in HEPA air purifiers as well. They clean the air you breathe and make it free of dander, dust and particulate matter.

Try having indoor plants or a little balcony gardens as a natural air pollution solution for your spaces.

It helps to invest in car air purifiers, too. So that your vehicles are clean and refreshing. While you’re at it try and cut down on using vehicles for short trips. As a means to do your bit for the planet by reducing vehicular emissions. You could always walk or take public transportation for small errands.

Periodically, clear the clutter in your home and get rid of unused items so that they don’t sit in the corner gathering dust.

Avoid the use of aerosol air fresheners and go for cleaning agents that are chemical-free or natural.

Air pollution drastically affects the environment, health of humans and animals. Some of the damage is irreversible. So, taking the required precautions to protect our health is vital. One of the most effective ways is to live sustainably and use technology to solve air pollution problems. The best way to do that is to invest in an air purifier and at the same time adopt an environmentally-friendly way of life.


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