Home Health & Fitness 10 Self Care Ideas for Busy Moms

10 Self Care Ideas for Busy Moms


Raising children may seem like a simple task, but in reality, it is a highly complex business. Young parents agree that all the parenting tips and advice they’ve read in books can turn out to be ineffective at any moment. Therefore, it could be difficult for mothers to find time for themselves. In this article, we’ll find out 10 simple rules to take care of themselves for mums that are pretty busy raising a baby.

10 Self Care Ideas for Busy Moms

Stop Feeling Guilt

First of all, don’t feel guilty about wanting to take time for yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed as a mom. Loving yourself and making your mental health and physical self-care a priority is not self-indulgence, it is wisdom. You cannot be a good mother without rest, relaxation, and health. Have you ever heard the old cliche “Health is wealth”? It’s true, and it’s not just about physical health. It also covers mental, emotional, and spiritual health and all self-care activities can help you stay in top shape.

Many women blame themselves for not being able to breastfeed, which influences their physical and moral state. However, statistics show that almost 50 percent of women cannot breastfeed for different reasons. With today’s range of baby formula on the market, your little one will receive enough nutrients for development. What’s even more, if you give preferences to European baby formulas, you’ll highly reduce the risk of allergy in kids because the ingredients used in the preparation are 100% natural without any additives and chemicals. So stopping feeling guilty for different cases is a way of self-care.


Today on the Internet you can find many videos of activities for young mothers. The most difficult thing is to start. You can try to wear your nice sports uniform to reduce the chance that you will leave everything halfway. Even 15 minutes a day will give results. You can do simple physical exercises while walking. For example, sculpting a snowman in winter, and actively playing and running with a baby in summer. With an infant, you can walk long distances, do lunges with a stroller, or squats.

Drinking Regime

A person should replenish the water supply by 1.5-2 liters every day because it affects both the figure, well-being, and the condition of the skin. You can put a glass of water where you are most often and take a sip or two every time. In this way, even a kid will adopt the habit of drinking water.


To begin with, set yourself realistic goals. Don’t try to do too much in one day. It will be difficult to achieve the goal when you are busy with a baby, and half of the unfinished business will only cause a feeling of dissatisfaction. Create a detailed plan for the day, week, and month with important tasks and spa treatments in a notebook. And gradually do them according to the schedule. Be prepared for the fact that a child can make corrections in your schedule.


Don’t try to do everything yourself. Accept help from anyone who offers it, but don’t forget to ask for it yourself. For example, let some of the family members walk with a kid while you are having a rest, go for a manicure, or lie in the bath with a face mask.


Multitasking helps save a lot of time. For example, you can apply a face mask while brushing your teeth. Read a book while lying in the bath. Listen to an audiobook while walking with a kid. Apply the mask to your hair while you shower. You can do gymnastics while playing with your little one, and while breastfeeding you can watch an important webinar or even a TV show.

Sleep and Nutrition

Everyone knows how important it is to get enough sleep and healthy nutrition. Therefore, you should try to follow these points as carefully as possible. You can sleep whenever a baby has fallen asleep, and prepare food a day or two in advance together with your family member.

Important Details

Details form the general image and they also affect self-esteem:

  • Wear nice and clean clothes at home and change them as soon as it gets dirty;
  • Use thermal water – spray it every time it comes into view;
  • Regularly use face cream, hand cream, and lip balm;
  • Select only clean clothes and shoes when walking with a child


Meet with friends. It will stimulate you to do something and not be lazy to take care of yourself. It is also important to arrange days without a child and buy something for yourself. You also need to love and pamper yourself.


Use only high-quality cosmetics within the expiration date. Many people start using baby cream in terms of the economy. But baby’s cosmetics are designed for a kid’s thin skin, so they have a different level of protection. For adult skin, this cream will be difficult and can cause harm.

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