Home Education 5 Unique Ways of Teaching History to Kids

5 Unique Ways of Teaching History to Kids


If you are looking for unique ways to teach history to kids, then you should check out this great list below. Here are five effective ways you can do this. Whether you turn to one or more of these five approaches, you are well on your way to ensuring children learn history.

5 Unique Ways of Teaching History to Kids

1. Visit Museums

Museums can be a wonderful resource for you and children. If you do not have a museum in your local community, you likely have one that is nearby. And did you know museums will usually offer a discount or free admission for children? You should look into this.

When you head to the museum, you get to view historical artifacts that are on display. You also get to learn from trained and professional experts who volunteer or work there. Museum outings can be very interactive for the whole family and children will carry the lessons learned with them for many years to come. They will carry these lessons you helped them learn on into their adult lives.

2. Historical Reenactments

You also should look into historical reenactments. Depending on where you are located, you might have nearby access to a facility that presents these types of demonstrations. And reenactments will indeed help children better appreciate, remember, and understand historical lessons.

It isn’t required for you all to take a field trip, though. You can invite time period performers to come to you and put on a reenactment. If you do not have the budget or proximity to make this happen, you can still make this happen. You can ask local actors to stop in and put on a historical presentation and reenactment for you and the kids.

3. Student Character Portrayals

You can have kids dress up and portray historical figures, too. This is a very fun activity you and the children will enjoy. Assign each child a notable person from the time period being discussed.

Ask them to write a report about the person they were assigned.
They will then present to you and their peers their report. You can have them do this while donning the appropriate historical attire. And you can even have them act out how life was for their assigned historical icon. Another great related idea is having children prepare and serve time periods meals to their peers while dressed in attire from the time period being studied.

4. Online and Video Content

Make sure you are utilizing technology, too. You can find all kinds of great resources online. And you have might have some great resources in your local community. And don’t forget you also can find some very informative videos that teach history lessons for free online.

You can see if your school library already has resources. You can touch base with your nearby public library, too. And don’t forget you can find all kinds of great and informative historical lessons with a quick search online. Just make sure you only use information from a credible source. You want to make sure children are only taught factual information. This is very important for you to remember. There are people online who want to present to you their take on history. Do not venture away from historical facts. Make sure children know the truth.

5. Coin Collecting

Have you looked into coin collecting before? This is a very fun activity that you and pretty much any children will enjoy. And you can find coins from various time periods.

If you do not have experience collecting coins, you should know the hobby is very easy to learn. You will have an easy time teaching it to children, too. You can easily find all the needed coin collecting supplies either through a local hobby store or online.

Five Great Tips

Each of the above tips presented to you is a great way to ensure kids are taught history. And these strategies will help ensure kids remember their history lessons, too. Give one or more these aforementioned ideas a shot.

And while you are here, you might want to bookmark this page. That will be helpful should you want to quickly access this information in the future. Don’t forget you can share this list with people, too.

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