Home Lifestyle How to Make Life Easier for Your Tenants

How to Make Life Easier for Your Tenants


Happy tenants mean a long-lasting leasing and a constant flow of money. As a fair landlord, you would want your tenants to be satisfied with their living conditions, so here’s what you can do to make their lives easier and maintain good communication.

How to Make Life Easier for Your Tenants


Be clear with the expectations

Your future tenants have to know what you will expect of them. Maybe they will need to maintain the garden or follow the noise restriction rules. You can make a list of practical information that comprises not only the rules but also things like where the gas and electric meters are or when the garbage-pickup day is. You will probably answer most of their questions in advance with the list, so you will start on the right foot.

A clear line of communication

You need to be available most of the day for your tenants, whether by text, phone or email, especially in case of an emergency. Let the tenants know what is the quickest way to reach you and how to react if an emergency arises. In case the tenants are expecting the handyman who’s running late, you should be the one to let them know. They will be more understanding if you respect their time and inform them of the changes.

A welcoming gift

After a hard day of moving, a welcoming gift waiting inside their new home will mean a lot. It doesn’t have to be an extravagant gift – a bottle of wine, coffee or sweets will be enough to say you’re glad they are here and you want for them to feel welcomed.

High level of cleanliness

No one wants to move into a dirty, stuffy place that hasn’t been cleaned since the previous tenants moved out. Your new tenants can’t be expected to clear somebody else’s mess or to scrub the bathroom the minute they move in. Luckily, you personally don’t need either because services by companies like Simply Spotless Cleaning include end of lease cleaning, leaving the home spotless after the previous tenants are gone. The new tenants will appreciate it.

The matter of rent

Inform yourself about the local building laws on how much you are allowed to rent. The rules can change from time to time, so make sure you have the latest information. If the rent is not dictated by housing laws, browse the local market to get the idea of the average rent. Take a look at online listing sites to compare new and old buildings and see where your real estate is. You don’t want to ask for too high a rent from the tenants (they will feel like they are treated unfairly) but you don’t want to lose money either.

Allow pets

It may not sound great to allow your tenants to keep a pet. You probably fear the pet will ruin the rug or the furnishings and you’ll have to replace it when the tenant is gone.

However, look at the bright side: if the majority of other landlords have a ban for pets, you will probably be an ideal landlord for tenants with pets. When they are aware that few landlords allow what you allow, they will be much less prone to leave you.

Be careful with rent increases

The property owner is responsible for rent increases in the case of market-rate apartments. It is very important to inform your tenant about the increase in time. A minimum of 30-day notice is ok, but it’s even better if you give them a 60-day notice. That way, they will have enough time to think about their options and their budget.

It’s always better to explain to the tenants why there will be an increase – they will probably be more understanding. Also, if you are eager to keep these tenants, then maybe you can come to some form of an agreement if they have budget problems.

All in all

Setting up good communication at the very start will pave the way to a long-lasting professional relationship and minimize future conflicts and misunderstandings. Both your tenants and you need to feel comfortable with the rules and conditions. If you do what you can on your side, they will probably respond in an equal manner.

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