Home Sports Top 7 Cycling Trails in the World

Top 7 Cycling Trails in the World


It doesn’t really matter if you’re a professional cyclist or just a novice at this activity – it’s always exciting to explore a new corner of the world on your bike! If you think so, too, don’t wait any longer and start planning your next cycling trip! We’re here to help you out, so there’s a list of the top 7 cycling trails in the world. Check them out, find the best one for your personal taste, and embark on a new adventure as soon as possible!

Top 7 Cycling Trails in the World

Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Did you know that Vietnam is one of the most budget-friendly destinations in the world? That’s right, which is exactly why it found its place at the top of our list! So, if you’re a passionate traveler or a backpacker looking for a new adventure, this place is the right choice for you. If you want to experience beautiful beaches and the local culture at their finest, you should opt for a cycling trail that starts in Hanoi and ends in Ho Chi Minh City. These two are the largest urban areas in Vietnam. The entire route is around 1,200 km long, so you’ll get to explore this incredible country in the best possible way. However, remember that uneven road surfaces are quite common here. These can be a true challenge for many cyclists, so make sure to build up your strength and endurance before you head to Vietnam!

The Great Divide, from Canada to Mexico

The Great Divide is one of the most exciting cycling routes you can opt for in the US. In fact, it starts from Banff in Alberta, Canada, and finishes at the Mexican border near Antelope Wells, New Mexico. What is particularly fantastic about this route is that it follows the Continental Divide, a predominantly mountainous area. It passes through five states – Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. Since this route is extremely rough and complex, you’ll need top-quality mountain bike tires and suspension forks. This is because a large portion of the route is void of pavement, which will make it hard for you if you don’t have appropriate bike equipment. Also, bear in mind that this trail is extremely complex in terms of time. It’ll take you around three months to tackle the full route!

The Carretera Austral, Chile

On the other hand, if you wish to explore the rural sights of South America, we reckon that Chile is the ideal choice for you. The Carretera Austral – to be more precise! This route is around 1,200 km long and runs from Puerto Montt to Villa O’Higgins. As this route features around 500 km of unpaved roads, you’ll get a chance to explore this country’s wilderness to the max. The Carretera Austral should be your go-to option if you’ve always wanted to see Chile’s untouched forests, rocky mountains, wonderful glaciers, and numerous lakes. We highly recommend taking your time and cycling between 50 and 60 km every day. It’ll take you more than three weeks to finish the route, but trust us when we say that it’s completely worth all your time, effort, and sweat!

Uluru, Northern Territory, Australia

In case you didn’t know, Uluru is a huge sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory in Australia. It is sacred to the Aboriginal people who live in this area. The land around the formation is home to numerous springs, waterholes, rock caves, and ancient paintings. It is exactly why Uluru is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. However, it’s important to remember that climbing Uluru is no longer permitted. That is why cycling has recently gained a lot of popularity in this area. The gravel path is around 15 km long, which makes it ideal for beginners at cycling. So, hop on your gravel bike and explore this beautiful area first-hand. It’ll take you around 3 hours to complete the ride – just don’t forget that some areas are sacred Aboriginal sites that are off-limits!

Friendship Highway, China

China’s Friendship Highway is one of the most adventurous cycling trails in the world. It starts in the city of Lhasa in Tibet and ends at the border of Nepal, which spans around 800 km in total. What makes this route so interesting is the fact that it requires serious training. Before you decide to visit this area, make sure that you’re ready for intense cycling sessions that are demanding both physically and mentally. High elevations are quite common here, which is why you must plan your ride to the tiniest detail. Besides that, there are great distances between towns, and rough terrain won’t make it any easier for you. Also, bear in mind that high political tensions between bordering nations can make this journey a bit harder for you. However, this cycling trail is totally worth it, without a doubt!

Galway, Ireland

This route should be your final choice if you’re all about experiencing Ireland’s nature at its very best. The Galway area undoubtedly provides the most tranquil scenery you’ve ever seen. If this country’s luscious hills and valleys are exactly what you need, head straight to this cycling route and you won’t regret it. Of course, keep in mind that this area is infamous for its bad weather – it rains a lot in Ireland. Just don’t let that discourage you and make sure to pack rain gear that can withstand these harsh weather conditions. If you want to experience the Galway area in the best possible way, you should definitely opt for a guided cycling tour. Those are multi-day tours that’ll take you to the non-touristy parts of Western Ireland. The summer months are ideal for this tour, so don’t forget that and you’ll make the right decision!

La Route Verte, Canada

Truth be told, Canada is a huge country. Its 9,985,000 square kilometers often seem too intimidating to many cyclists, and you know what? We completely understand their concerns. Tackling this enormous country on two wheels seems very frightening, but it doesn’t have to be like that at all. La Route Verte is one of the greatest ways to explore Canada. This is particularly true if you want to experience its amazing terrain and rough wilderness at their finest. What’s particularly impressive about this route is that it’s around 5,150 km long. That’s right, you heard us well! It’ll take you from east to west across Quebec, where you’ll get a chance to enjoy breathtaking river and mountain views all along. Do we even have to mention the incredible sense of freedom offered by this wide-open space? Not really, so opt for this cycling trail and you won’t make a mistake!

As you can tell, there are so many outstanding cycling routes all over the globe you must take into consideration. Needless to say, these seven are the best ones out there. Give them a fair shot if you want to embark on an adventure of a lifetime. You won’t go wrong whichever you choose, so pick a destination according to your personal preferences and interests. That’s the best way to see the world on your bike and make unforgettable memories!

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Patricia is a freelance content creator & pro blogger. Till now she has served 3000+ clients from all over the world. As per her experience and dedication, she is famous for her writing style, that's why many blogging platforms featured her in the list of top 100 bloggers or Influencers.


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